Saturday, December 15, 2012

Jingle all the way

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way...all 3.1 miles!!  This morning, my "not so flat" cousins and I ran in a 5k race for arthritis.  Arthritis is a medical condition that can cause pain, stiffness and swelling in your joints.  Most people think of arthritis as a medical disorder that affects primarily older people, but it can affect children, as well.  I learned  there are over 50,000 children just in the United States with a  type of arthritis called JRA - Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.  

Knowing that - made me want to run just that much harder and faster.  We had a great time at the race and the best part???  "Our" team raised $1085 for the Arthritis Foundation!!!   

Here I am participating in the pre-race warm up with my "not so flat" cousin, Jackson!!

Afterwards, it was time to "not so flat" cousin's 3rd birthday!  He loved his cake (which I helped decorate.)  Can you guess how many pounds of M&M's are on top??  Happy Birthday Jackson!!

Until next time...

Flat Rylie


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