Sunday, December 23, 2012


We drove over to Tampa Bay this morning (which is about an hour west of Orlando) and spent the day at the... Tampa Bay Buccaneers game.  I am a Viking fan at heart, but the Bucs are now my 2nd favorite team.  Their stadium is AMAZING!!!  There is a pirate ship inside of the stadium with working cannons!  The cannon booms 7 times for every touchdown and 3 times for every field goal.  It's loud but awesome to see and hear!

While at the game, I also had the opportunity to go down on the field and meet one of my "host family's" friends, Jerry Wunsch, a former Buccaneer player.    He is retired now, but spends a lot of time performing charity work for children with cancer and chronic blood disorders.   His personal charity is name Circle of Friends Foundation.   

 Below is a map of where I traveled today with some fun facts about Tampa.
  • Spanish explorer, Ponce de Leon, first arrived in Tampa in 1513.
  • Tampa has the 7th largest port in the nation.
  • The waterways around Tampa are known for the large number of manatees.

Until next time.

Flat Rylie


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