Saturday, December 22, 2012

Junior Claus

I went to my first musical today at the Orlando Repertory Theater.  The "Rep"is the children's theater here in Orlando and is located right next door to the Science Center.   What  musical did we see?  "Junior Claus"!!   It was REALLY host family and I laughed a lot!!

What was it about??  After Santa falls into a deep sleep, Santa's only son, Junior, has to help save the day.   Junior has to learn quickly how to climb down chimneys, drive reindeer, read a GPS in a blizzard and deliver presents to the entire world.  Thankfully, he has the help of an elf friend, a penguin and a little one who loves the holidays.

After the musical was over, we were able to meet the performers and go down on the actual stage.  Do you recognize the "snowflakes" from the picture above.

When we were leaving, I saw the signs for the next musical coming to the Orlando Rep..."The Voyages of Doctor Doolittle."  It sounds exciting; I hope we can come back to see that one, too!!  Bye for now.

Flat Rylie


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