Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Bye Bye Puerto Rico

Bye Bye Puerto Rico!!   While we were waiting for the shuttle to take us to the airport, I "snapped" some last minute pictures of the resort.

This sculpture is at the entrance to the you remember the Tainos Indians I mentioned yesterday?  They were obviously an important part of this area's history, as you can tell by this sculpture...a Taino native holding an egret.

An iguana peeking in to the koi pond!


We arrived "home" in  hot and sunny Orlando this afternoon.   As we were leaving the airport, I noticed this sign and the motto, "The City Beautiful."  Hmmm....I wonder why the motto isn't, "The Beautiful City??"  Regardless, it's nice to be back in Orlando!!

Until my next adventure...

Flat Rylie


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