Friday, January 11, 2013

The GREATEST show on Earth

Last night, I had the chance to go to the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus in downtown Orlando.

Wow!!  The animals were amazing.  The performers were unbelievable.  And, the food (COTTON CANDY) was fabulous!!!!  The current tour is called, "Built to Amaze" and here are a few fun facts about it...
  • It will travel more than 30,000 miles over 2 years.
  • It uses the world's largest, privately owned trained.  Yes, they travel from city city by train!!!
  • The show has more than 100 performers.
  • 17 countries will be represented.
  • 95 animals will perform
What was my favorite part of the night?  It was a tie between the tigers and the trapeze artists!!!!

The one downfall?  They didn't have any "flat" clown noses!!  

I'm off to bed...tomorrow's adventure starts VERY EARLY!!!

Flat Rylie


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